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Our Role Models: Jenny Halpern Prince


Jenny Halpern Prince is the CEO and founder of Halpern, a global PR and influencer agency, part of the WPP network and The&Partnership. Jenny founded Access Aspiration in 2012, an educational charity promoting social mobility via aspirational work placements and introductions. Access Aspiration is now part of the Mayor’s Fund for London, they work with 32 schools, securing over 5,000 placements with state and academy students. In 2014, The Lady Garden Foundation, a national women’s health charity, was co-founded by Jenny, who is Chair of the charity. The aim is to increase awareness and raise funds to fight the five gynaecological cancers, to date they have raised over £1.6m.



What does IWD mean to you?
IWD is a reminder of how we should be all year long. It is a moment to celebrate the progress we all are making as women worldwide and oh my, are we making huge strides in many areas. BUT the areas where we are struggling, we need to champion those to support us further and that includes, very importantly, men.

Tell us what it like being a woman within the PR industry? And what challenges you have faced?  
Being a woman in the PR industry is easy as our industry is dominated by women. I have cherished the allegiance of so many women over my career in PR. My partners at Halpern are women and make my business a joy to still be involved and increase our relevancy and differentiate ourselves from others.

We strive to have a well-balanced agency of individuals from all ethnicities and backgrounds so we must encourage the industry to proactively bring in more talent from those arenas.

I have faced many challenges but more in my personal life with gynae issues especially with trying to become a mother for a long journey of 11 years. In all areas of my life, I have a mantra JFDI, just ****ing do it. So many people talk but don’t action.


Why is it important to celebrate other women’s achievements?  
We must celebrate women’s achievements to encourage more women to speak up, start their own businesses, overcome anxiety, to be their best self they can be.

What advice would you give to your younger self, having the knowledge you have now?
I would give my younger self this advice; never give up. Be a gladiator and fight. Then encourage more to fight too and achieve their dreams.